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Hotels in Colombia

About Colombia

Area: 1,138,914 sq km (439,737 sq mi).
Capital and largest city: Bogota (1985 est. pop., 3,982,941).
Elevations: Highest--Cristobal Colon Peak, 5,775 m (18,947 ft); lowest--sea level, along the coast.
Population (1992 est.): 34,296,941; density: 30.1 persons per sq km (78 per sq mi).
Distribution (1989): 67% urban, 33% rural.
Annual growth (1991): 1.9%.
Official language: Spanish.
Major religion: Roman Catholicism.
Literacy (1990 est.): 87% of adult population.
Universities (1987): 34.
Hospital beds (1983): 6,651.
Physicians (1984): 23,250.
Life expectancy (1992): women--74; men--69.
Infant mortality (1992): 31 per 1,000 live births.
GDP (1990 est.): $45 billion; $1,300 per capita.
Labor distribution (1981):
Services--53%; agriculture--26%; industry--21%; Foreign trade (1991):
Imports--$6.1 billion; exports--$7.5 billion;
Principal trade partners--United States, European Community, Japan.
Currency: 1 Colombian peso = 100 centavos.
Type: republic.
Government leader (1994): Ernesto Samper--president.
Legislature: Congress.
Political subdivisions: 32 departments, 1 special district.
Railroads (1987): 3,236 km (2,011 mi) total.
Roads (1986): 106,218 km (66,000 mi) total.
Major ports: 7.
Major airfields: 11.

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